Socialism is when the government does stuff.Actually, Socialism IS When the Government Does Stuff

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Socialism is when the government does stuff 


Socialism is when the government does stuff -


最近の変更は dennis. danilov が行いました; 年12月16日 11時54分. Lady Crimson プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. I find it funny that people think Democracy is somehow incompatible with socialism and communism.. Democracy is a government organization system of leadership.. socialism and communism are economic practices..

a nation can be both. If anything they work the best together. Capitalism is the counter to socialism and communism.. and capitalism is greed based.. and inefficient for a productive society since they spend all the time scamming each other.

最近の変更は Lady Crimson が行いました; 年12月16日 12時28分. Lady Crimson の投稿を引用:. danilov が行いました; 年12月16日 13時05分. Stefan B プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. vivo68 の投稿を引用:. Michael B の投稿を引用:. Solomon Hawk プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Are you folks certain that you're not confusing communism with communalism? CordedUberator プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Oh hey, even more people who know nothing about anything. grakky2 プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. Homework for the class, go! CordedUberator の投稿を引用:. paugus プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. paugus の投稿を引用:.

最近の変更は [ITA] IAleG が行いました; 年12月16日 15時17分. DrNewcenstein プロフィールを表示 投稿を表示. A communist country is neither a democratic one nor a free one: there will be no reason to be a proactive member of society as you will not be able to progress in the social hierarchy because of absolute egalitarism This is a common fallacy. I think people are waking up and people are questioning. I knew that we needed a business leader and now I'm really realizing exactly why, he makes the tough decisions and he actually understands how the economy works.

socialism is not a good idea. I don't want to live in fear controlled by the government. and that's not even a paranoid fantasy, in my state we've literally been basically on house arrest for three straight months and people can do violent riots in the city but they can't go for a hike in the forest.

Just finished reading The United States of Socialism and not surprised how well written this book is. If anyone wants a proper education for their children, just have them read all Dinesh D'Souza's books. We can no longer rely of the american education system to properly inform our future generations. Great job Mr. Considering it record of abject failure every time it has been tried I'm surprised that socialism has become preferred among so many in the US.

Yet it is especially popular among the under 40 crowd. I suspect some of the college kids supporting it believe that socialism is about having a good social life. THE UNITED STATES OF SOCIALISM subtitle: Who's Behind It.

Why It's Evil. How to Stop It. is a new release by naturalized US citizen Dinesh D'Souza. The book is well written and narrated. There are many books on the negative aspects of socialism. D'Souza's book is less academic and easier to grasp than most.

Discussion of socialism in the US is necessairly political because while neither major political party is socialist all of the socialist are Democrats. While I would not recommend reading THE UNITED STATES OF SOCIALISM as the way to understand socialist concepts in detail, it is an excellent summary of the state of socialism in the US today.

Thank you Dinesh, I watched "Death of a Nation" and listened to "Hillary's America" and I have to say that this is another one of your great books that exposes the danger of accepting comfortable lies.

Coming from Romania, and experiencing communism, I really don't want to feel that type of constant fear that it constantly implements. Communism is run by lies, they end up using lies to justify violence and then use the violence to maintain the control over the population while they are destroying the spirit of man kind. I would also like to recommend "How The Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World" published by EpochTimes, I feel it is one of the most complete analysis of communism right now.

A fantastic layout of the ideology of the modern socialist in America! A refreshing book about the lies of Socialism. Socialism has never worked anywhere, not one place.. Great writing and the narration is excellent. Every American needs to read this book. Too many are out to destroy us and everything we believe. D'Souza shows us what we are up against! I love that this book was read by the author; I truly felt enlightened. It was a excellent defense of capitalism and conservative values!

It was nice to have it read by the actual author. His insights and recommendations are a great plan going forward for conservative, mainstream America. This book deserves 5 stars.

I posted this as a low review to point out that none of the low reviewers have offered anything more than empty rhetoric which is common for closet communists which Dinesh masterfully exposes in this book. Well worth the read. I saw this book has been recommended by President Trump on his Twitter feed and wanted to check it out. The author, Dinesh D'Souza is an Indian born political commentator who emigrated to the USA as a young adult.

It is fair to say that Mr D'Souza has embraced the American dream and has become a right wing patriot to the extent that he spent time in US federal confinement as a result of a conviction for election fraud. The subject of this book is the threat of socialism to the United States. Mr D'Souza does not like socialism comparing it to slavery and considers it always ends in disaster. He believes that socialists are thieves and tyrants and those who follow are suckers citing examples such as North Korea whose citizens are shorter than in South Korea and the failures of regimes in Venezuela to make his point.

Scandinavian socialism is, apparently not true socialism and this model cannot be applied in America as, according to the author, these countries do not have the same "issues" as the US has with ethnic minorities. He derides what he calls "identity politics" and considers minorities such as African Americans, environmental campaigners, the LGBTQ community etc are being used by socialist to make "normal" Americans feel like foreigners in their own country and white heterosexual families feel like minorities.

He cites the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights to defend his views as these do not include or mention minorities or identities. D'Souza considers that socialism is against human nature as people are naturally selfish and Americans have their bellies too full to want a socialist state.

He puts this down to a conspiracy against the right being conducted by the media, Hollywood and academics. The 60's culture and Bob Dylan among others are, apparently to blame. The last section of the book talks about President Trump and how he made his fortune as a result of his incredible business acumen and a rant against Biden, Sanders and Obama who are, according to the author, hypocrites as they have personal wealth.

It is no surprise that President Trump likes this book. I suspect that most people, like me, will be exasperated and astounded in equal measure. I grew up in a socialist country and it angers me that people are so blindingly accepting of such an authoritarian ideology.

What The Left are trying to do in the West is shocking and should be regarded as treason. This is a must read for people that love their country and don't want to see it destroyed by socialism.

Dinesh's research is thorough and to the point. He leaves no rock unturned. s government, how the democrats have used hatred, lies and vitriol again President Trump. I am now understanding more clearly how the democrats have been influenced by socialism, how it has manipulated the law, changed cultural views to the destruction of unborn children, how it has tried to destroy Reformed Christianity , how it has corrupted the the meaning of truth, through manipulating words etc Dinesh does it again.

This audio book makes a long car journey more enjoyable. you don't want to get out of the car at the end. Bernie Sanders is his first target. His arguments against Sanders quickly shift from ideology to personal attacks which are irrelevant; such as the fact that Sanders was born out of wedlock and was once expelled from a communal farm because he was unprepared to do any actual labour.

He goes on to argue that Scandinavian countries are only able to successfully implement this form fo socialism because of the trust and shared identity which does not exist in a diverse America. Well the whole point of a nation is to give its citizens a shared identity that they can unite behind; if they do not have that, by his own logic, we can blame that on capitalism!

I say this, not because I believe in it, but because that is his approach: anything bad about a socialist country is due to the socialism; ergo, anything bad about a capitalist country is because of capitalism I guess? He could use this opportunity to address multi-cultural Britain which is certainly more socialist than America but I guess that would make life too difficult for him so best to stay clear I suppose.

He fails to acknowledge systemic issues in America such as the number of families bankrupted by medical illness of family member. His argument that socialism in India was the reason for corruption and poverty is nonsensical and he offers no evidence, as is the case with almost everything he says. Another laughable example is his assertion that the US has greater social mobility than socialist countries. His evidence for this? A single article written by a Danish politician in the Washington Post which references a study that looks at only educational mobility where the US wins.

However looking at the Global Social Mobility Index which looks at other factors including wage distribution, social protection etc. Denmark sit at the top of the table with their Scandinavian neighbours immediately below them and a number of European neighbours following them.

The US is number 29! He tries to assert that slavery was a form a socialism which is perhaps the most ridiculous claim in the book. If socialism is about giving power to those who own the means of production i. labour , how can a system in which humans own other humans and profit from them be socialist? A political ideology that puts equality above all cannot be reconciled with system of slaves and slave owners, as this system is a slap in the face to equality.

Like many right-wing commentators, he has decided that because a section of individuals asking for racial equality for example, also happen to be socialists, that must mean both are the same thing. His disdain for the Democratic Party is irresponsible; he talks as if the Democrats of today are the same individuals as those of years ago.

His arguments at points are so childish. Socialism has a lot benefits e. equality of opportunity , but also comes along with some very serious risks e.

threat to freedom of speech. This final point is where his books goes from useless to dangerous. I had to laugh when he said the nazi party was a socialist party. It will also date very quickly as there is a lot of info about current American democrats which will have no relevance a year from now.

I learnt more about the US politics and the way the Democrats, the MSM, Hollywood and the Education Institutions have been working so hard for decades to the Left. The author as narrator has an invigorating style despite the tragic subject matter. His character portraits of the top dems are uncomfortably amusing much like the death of Stalin movie.

In the final section he brilliantly unpicks the structures of the democrat party national socialist state in waiting. I have read and listened to many conservative and right wing books concerning affairs here in Britain and in America and this has to be one of the most important and well argued. Arguments for conservative positions on traditional morality and economics abound throughout in an engaging, thoughtful manner. After listening you will find yourself in a better position to debate leftists.

There is a call to arms at the end aimed mainly for a US audience which is now crucial because Mr. Trump has now left office. This can however be applied to conservatives elsewhere especially here in Britain. This has been a genuine pleasure to listen to and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

In fact I think it's urgent that you obtain a copy. D'Souza navigates through the history of Socialism, and how that translates through to the current political unrest in America today.



Socialism is when the government does stuff


We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in socialism is when the government does stuff cookie. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent.

To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. There has been talking lately about Socialism and what Socialism means.

Many people think that Socialism is when the government does things for them. Socialism is not about the government doing stuff for us. The principle of Socialism is about private ownership vs. public ownership. Socialism believes that for true freedom and true socialism is when the government does stuff, the only way to do this is to have the state have ownership to help the working class.

Socialism believes that people should collectively work together and all share in the fruits of their labor. Many people think that Socialism is where the government will give you many free stuff. Under Socialism, people no longer need to work hard or be responsible for their daily lives, but the government will do it for them. Those means include the machinery, tools, and factories used to produce goods that aim to directly satisfy human needs.

There is a lot of misconception as to precisely what Socialism means. Socialism is not about government programs to help you pay for things but has to do with how production and ownership are economically viewed.

All governments do things for people, even the United States. We have a lot of government programs that are there to help people, but those programs are not considered pure Socialism is when the government does stuff. Things like police, fire departments, infrastructure, public schools, and medicare are government programs, not socialist programs.

For it to be a socialist program, it would have to be tied to production and the ownership of production to the state or government, but instead, government programs such as the police, fire department, when is june 2, and public schools socialism is when the government does stuff all for the public good.

In socialism is when the government does stuff terms, Socialism is a political and economic system where property and the means of production are how to cook a flat iron steak in common, usually by a state government. Socialism is based on the theory that common or public ownership of resources and means of production will then lead to a more equal and equitable society.

Pure Socialism was once considered the ideal, but today, almost all countries have moved away продолжить чтение Socialism. Voluntary exchange is more moral than forced redistribution. Ben Shapiro has eloquently pointed out that Socialism is about ownership and not getting free stuff.

Because Socialism is about public ownership, in the end, it is capitalism that will win out. As America has a mixed economic system based mainly on capitalism and has some socialist principles. At Детальнее на этой странице Bus On A Dusty Road, we talk about all things to do with history, travel, life, sailing, and ex-pat living.

We would love to have you be part of our community. Sign up for our newsletter to keep up-to-date by clicking here. If you have any questions, you can contact me, Anita, by clicking here.

Listen to our Podcast called Dusty Roads. You can find it on all major podcast platforms. Try out to listen to one of our podcasts by clicking here. Subscribe to our A Bus On A Dusty Road YouTube Channel filled with great videos and information. The Hmong made their way eventually to the Laotian — Thai border so they could try to get into the United States via Thailand.

Новый how to restart vizio tv ждать clicking hereyou can discover What Happened To The Hmong After The Vietnam War? America could not have won the Vietnam war as it never won the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people. The Americans even had a hard time controlling the Vietnamese people in Southern Vietnam, as many were disillusioned with the Southern Vietnamese government.

Ho Chi Minhsocialism is when the government does stuff leader of North Vietnam, fully understood that another foreign power would not control the Vietnamese heart and soul. By clicking hereyou can discover Could America Have Won The Vietnam War? The main reason for the involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War was the belief in the Domino theory; the Domino theory was a principle used to describe the effects on the world if Vietnam fell to communism.

If Vietnam became communist, then the rest of Asia, New Zealand, and even Australia would also eventually become communist. At the time, American leaders felt they were fighting for the survival of democracy throughout the world.

By clicking hereyou can learn more by reading What Was The Main Reason For U. Involvement In Vietnam? Hi, I live in Hanoi, Vietnam but spend time traveling the region. I love to share with you things I see and learn through my travels.

As the New Year comes around, many of us start to think about our New Year's Resolutions. At the beginning of the year, we may be excited about the New Year and the changes we will make, but soon we When a year ends and another begins, many people, including me, will sit down and reflect on the past year and then look at what direction they hope their life will go for the new year.

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