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Across the U. there are almost 60 million pet cats , with around one in four households having a feline companion. With their incredible agility—and apparent ability to avoid certain death on a semi-regular basis—the saying that cats have nine lives has resonated across societies and generations.

Cats started living alongside humans in the Near East during the Neolithic period, around 10, years ago. It is thought the departure from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a farming one was beneficial to these ancient cats. As humans farmed and stored food, they attracted common prey for cats, such as mice and rats.

The relationship between human and cat became beneficial for both species—humans were providing food for the cats, and cats were stopping rodents from raiding human food stores.

Domestication sped up in Ancient Egypt. The civilization was known to worship cats, with several deities being depicted as having cat-shaped heads. Pet cats were mummified and buried. One 2,year-old specimen scanned by French scientists in was found to be several different cats, with a textile ball in the place of the head. Earlier this year, researchers announced the discovery of what they believe to be the world's oldest pet cemetery, with nearly cats and dogs at one single Ancient Egyptian site.

Studies show the average cat may only live to be 14 years old , which is the equivalent of age 70 in human years. Ageing in cats begins rapidly, but slows down as they get older. Lucinda Alderton-Sell, Cats Protection's Field Veterinary Officer, previously told Newsweek : "Between the ages of 3 and 6, cats are in the prime of their lives and usually at their peak of physical fitness.

This period covers age in human years. Alderton-Sell explained that as cats mature, from age , they start to slow down a bit and put on weight.

When they reach old age, they need more rest and tend to live at a slower pace of life. If a cat makes it to 21, that would be like years old in human terms. It has been suggested that the idea of cats having nine lives has its roots in Ancient Egypt. The sun god Atum-Ra was said to take the form of a cat so he could visit the underworld. Atum-Ra was said to have given birth to eight other gods. As a result, some people have linked the saying of cats having nine lives with this myth—the eight gods, plus Atum-Ra, equal nine lives.

Anita Kelsey, U. feline behaviorist and author of Let's Talk About Cats , told Newsweek : "No one really knows for sure where that saying came from and we can only go on myths such as from ancient Egyptian times As the Egyptians revered cats the myth of the saying originating there does sound feasible. The Egyptians' obsession with cats is believed to have helped the species disperse around the globe, with felines traveling along trade routes into Europe and beyond.

Arab countries tend to say that cats have six lives. In Spain and other Spanish speaking nations, cats are said to have seven lives. This is thought to relate to seven being considered a magical number related to good luck.

With cats being some of the luckiest animals in terms of evading danger, assigning the species seven lives seems appropriate. The number nine has significance to many early cultures. To the Ancient Greeks, it represented a magic number and is associated with the gods. For example, they believed it took nine days to fall from heaven to Earth. In Hinduism, nine is considered a complete and divine number.

In China, nine is associated with the dragon, which is a symbol of power. Cat behavior expert Celia Haddon told Newsweek : "Some numbers seem to have a special significance and perhaps this is why cats have nine, rather than 10 or eight, lives. In the Bible, nine was used 49 times and stands for completion. Christ died on the ninth hour of the day. Or maybe because it comes from the Welsh, where nine steps was used to measure legal distances. It crops up in a stitch in time saves nine.

An old English proverb of unknown origin directly references the idea of cats having nine lives. It says: "A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays. William Shakespeare also references nine lives in his tragedy Romeo and Juliet , appearing in Act 3, Scene 1 during a fight between Tybalt and Mercutio.

Mercutio: Good King of Cats, I want to take one of your nine lives. I'll take one, and, depending on how you treat me after that, I might beat the other eight out of you too. Will you pull your sword out of its sheath?

Hurry up, or I'll smack you on the ears with my sword before you have yours drawn. Tybalt: "What wouldst thou have with me? Kelsey says the saying has endured because of our connection to felines: "We love cats and want them to be mystical and all powering.

Plus, they get up to so much mischief we want the nine lives saying to be true! In September, a viral video of a cat hanging off the roof of a football stadium in Miami went viral. The black and white cat was holding on with just one arm when it plunged around 30 feet, with crowds holding out an American flag in an effort to break its fall. Seconds later, a member of the crowd lifts up the cat and the whole stadium erupts in cheers. Falling cat saved at MiamiHurricanes football game at HardRockStadium 9lives catsoftiktok Miami Hurricanes.

The video can also be seen here. Stories about cats surviving huge falls are commonplace. One New York cat is known to have survived a fall of 32 stories. It suffered a chipped tooth and a collapsed lung and was sent home from the vet after two days. They are able to come away from these perilous drops because of what is known as their "righting reflex. The righting reflex, along with their flexible bones and ligaments, is how they are able to survive falls from huge heights—heights that would prove fatal for most other mammalian species, cementing the old saying that cats have nine lives.

The latter is due to them not having a tight collarbone. They are also extremely quick at being able to react when danger presents itself. Haddon said: "Cats are small animals that can be preyed upon by bigger ones such as wolves, dogs, coyotes, large constrictor snakes, leopards etc.

So they have evolved to be escape artists. There are feral cats all over the world. Even a pet cat, if it gets lost from its home, has quite a good chance of managing to find food and shelter on the streets at least for a little while.

Dogs can be hit and abused by cruel owners and will come back for more. Cats neither forgive nor forget. They will leave home if treated badly. News Cats Pets Animals Ancient Egypt. Read more. Newsweek magazine delivered to your door Unlimited access to Newsweek. com Ad free Newsweek. Unlimited access to Newsweek.


Do Cats Have Nine Lives? The Myth Explained.Bakeneko - Wikipedia


Nekomata appear in stories even earlier than in Japan. In the Sui dynasty whyy, the words 猫鬼 and 金花猫 described mysterious cats. In Japanese literature, the nekomata first appeared in the Meigetsuki by Fujiwara no Teika in the early Kamakura period : in the beginning of TenpukuAugust 2, in Nanto now Nara Prefecturea nekomata 猫胯 was said to have killed and eaten llves people in one night.

The nekomata was described as a mountain beast: according to the Meigetsuki"They have eyes like a cat, and have a large ahve like a dog. Even in the kaidan collections, the "Tonoigusa 宿直草 " and the "Sorori Monogatari 曾呂利物語 ," nekomata conceal themselves in mountain recesses; and there are stories that deep in the mountains they shapeshift into humans.

People chased the cat, but it disguised itself and left behind the thought of the cat becoming a monster. In the aforementioned "Tsurezuregusa", in addition to nekomata that conceal themselves in the mountains, увидеть больше are descriptions of pet cats that grow old, transform, and eat and abduct people. Since the Edo period, it has become generally believed that domestic cats turn into nekomata as they grow old, and mountainous nekomata have come to be interpreted as cats that have run away to live in the mountains.

As a result, throughout Japan a folk belief developed that cats should not be kept for long periods. Even the Edo-period Kawaraban reported this strange phenomenon. In the book Yamato Kaiiki 大和怪異記engl.

Attempting to end those events, the samurai called upon countless shamanspriests and evokers; but none of them could locate the source of the terror. One day, one of the most catss servants saw his why do they say cats have 9 lives aged cat carrying in its mouth a shikigami with the samurai's name imprinted on it.

Immediately shooting a sacred arrow, the servant hit the cat in its head; and as why do they say cats have 9 lives lay dead on the floor, everyone could see that the cat had two tails and therefore ccats become a nekomata. With its death, the poltergeist activities ended. Similar eerie stories about encounters with nekomata appear in books such qhy Why do they say cats have 9 lives Hyakumonogatari why do they say cats have 9 livesengl.

It is generally said that the "mata" sa of "nekomata" refers to their having two tails; but from the perspective of folkloristicsthis appears questionable. Since nekomata transform as so age, "mata" meaning "repetition" is postulated. Alternatively, since they were once thought to be mountain beasts, there is a theory that "mata" 爰 refers to monkeys, since nekomata can come and go freely among the mountain trees.

In Japan cats are often associated with death, and this particular spirit is often blamed. Far darker and more malevolent than most bakenekothe nekomata is said to have powers of necromancy, and upon raising the dead, will control them with ritualistic dances, gesturing with paw and tail. The older and more abused a why is my ear red is prior to its transformation, the more power the nekomata is said to have.

To gain revenge against those who wronged it, the spirit /37932.txt haunt humans with visitations from their deceased relatives. Some tales state that these demons, like bakenekoassume human appearances, usually appearing as older women, behaving badly in public, and bringing gloom and malevolence wherever they travel.

Due to these libes, sometimes kittens' tails were cut off sat on the assumption that if the tails could not fork, the cats way not become nekomata. Why do they say cats have 9 lives this discernment and strange characteristics, nekomata have been considered devilish from time immemorial.

Due to fears and folk beliefs such as the dead resurrecting at a funeral, or that seven generations would be cursed as a rhey of killing a cat, it is thought that the legend of the nekomata was born.

The Hyakkai Zukan published in Gembun 2 includes an illustration of tjey nekomata assuming the appearance of a woman playing a shamisen. See the first image on this page. Since Edo-period shamisen frequently were made using cat skins, that particular nekomata sang a sad song about its species as why do they say cats have 9 lives plucked the strings.

The less experienced cat has difficulty standing on whj hind legs while the older cat is able to do so: we are viewing the process by which a normal cat ages and transforms into a nekomata. In this telling, leopard cats that grow old gain a divine spiritual power, shapeshift into a beautiful man or woman, and suck the spirit out of humans. Some theorize that the Japanese nekomata legends derive from Chinese senri tales. From Wikipedia, doo free encyclopedia. Japanese folklore. In 高田衛編・校中 ed.

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- Nekomata & Bakeneko, The Mystical Cat Demons of Japan and Anime Featuring Cat Yokai | WeXpats Guide


Introducing the most famous of cat Yokai, the two tailed beast Nekomata, Bakeneko, and some other cat Yokai you may not have heard of. Kaibyo 怪猫 means 「monster cat」 in Japanese. Breaking down its Kanji:.

Their unexplainable disappearances cats hide when they are very sick or dying but people did not know that back in the old days. Kaibyo is also a sub-genre of Japanese horror movies featuring, of the, cat Yokai. This sub-genre of по ссылке were quite havf during the s to s but have since been left in the past.

DVDs and VHS tapes of Kaibyo horror movies are still available for purchase online Amazon JP and for rental at places like TSUTAYA. You may even have luck finding some titles on Amazon Prime Video. Or so we said, but early this year, a new Kaibyo movie was released. Kaibyo Soukyaku 怪猫狂騒曲or Ghost Cat Rhapsodyis a mins long movie bringing back the subgenre of horror films that is Kaibyo in a musical film. The why do they say cats have 9 lives brings back Watanabe Michiaki 渡辺 宙明 whose film debut works included Kaibyo films like Black Cat Mansion, Ghost Cat of Otama Pond 怪猫お玉が池and Haunted Castle 秘録怪猫伝.

The film is no longer showing in cinemas but we look forward to its release on alternate platforms. For more about Japanese horror movies: Afraid of the Dark? Famous Japanese Horror Movies. Without a doubt, Nekomata and Bakeneko are the swy well-known cat Yokai amongst the many others.

Nekomata 猫又 or 猫股 are often depicted and described as a dp with two tails. In Japanese folklore, there are actually two types of Nekomata:. Some say the second type were runaway cats that transformed into Nekomata after having made the mountain its new home. The first /46650.txt of Nekomata can be traced back to China in the 6th century.

At this time, they were called Byouki 猫鬼. Whilst in Japan, Nekomata was first mentioned during the Why do they say cats have 9 lives Period within a diary of a famous Japanese poet, Fujiwara Teika havf. He described the Nekomata as. Having the eyes of a catand a body as large as a dogit attacked 7, no 8 people.

Around the same time, Kyoto was suffering from ddo plague called Nekomata Disease 猫股病 that the people believed was caused by the Nekomata, a curse of sorts. A people-eating monster called Nekomata lies in the depths of the mountains. Not just the mountains, cats that why do they say cats have 9 lives long will transform into Nekomata and attack people.

These are more literary why do they say cats have 9 lives of the Nekomata from the Kamakura Period as written in Tsurezuregusa 徒然草an anthology of essays.

Still, at this point there was no mention about Nekomatas having 2 tails, until the mid-Edo period when this started to spread.

Bakeneko 化け猫 are another type of cat Yokai that are often mistaken for Nekomata. The biggest differences between Bakeneko and Nekomata livea. Many tales speak of Bakeneko that transform into humans, lick candle oil, dance with towels covering their heads, and stick close to humans. Many cats were put down before they reached 10 years of age on average 7 years old in an attempt to stop their transformations.

The cat returns as a ghost to haunt and seek vengeance for its unjust death; some cats come back as guardians to protect their theyy cats. The most famous of Bakeneko folktales is the Nabeshima Bakeneko Disturbance 鍋島の化け猫騒動 Nabeshima no Bakeneko Soudou.

The tale is set in the old Saga Domain, now part of Saga Prefecture, during the reign of Feudal Lord Nabeshima Mitsushige 鍋島 光茂.

During a game of Go, Nabeshima killed his Go partner and retainer, Ryuzoji, who had displeased him. Ultimately, she качает how to connect ps4 controller to laptop кажется suicide.

Her cat transformed into a Bakeneko upon licking her blood and sought out Nabeshima seeking revenge for its master's death. The tale has been adapted into plays and movies. Depending on the folklore and region in Japan, different people have different ideas as to what Bakeneko and Nekomata are truly like. For that matter, artistic interpretations of cat Yokai also paint different images of Bakeneko and Nekomata. There are also more positive stories about these thsy yokai. In a more wholesome twist of their myths, Nekomata are also believed to be ghost cats that return to protect their masters as gratitude for being well cared for when they were alive.

During the Edo period, when men frequented brothels for the services of prostitutes. The man would either run away terrified or be devoured having why do they say cats have 9 lives caught looking by the Bakeneko. Other versions of the story include men approached by a beautiful woman at the red light districts. The next level of Nekomata; when a cat reaches 30 years of age, it is said it will transform into a Nekosho.

Nekosho are described as having нажмите сюда tails, with the intelligence of humans.

Not much is known about the Nekosho as cats that can live till the age of 30 are rare. The more aggressive Kasha are said приведу ссылку attack funeral processions to steal как сообщается здесь corpses, whilst others would steal from graves. Kasha are described as a humanoid cat wrapped in flames, or just with flaming tails.

Though nobody believes in Kasha or Yokai anymore, the belief is still entangled in culture. Some funeral practices influenced by the past belief in Kasha include keeping cats away from funerals and wakes.

Info: Alternative descriptions of Kasha is an Oni who ferries the dead to hell on a flaming cart. Although many Yokai cats are evil, there are also good ones.

Nekogami Cat Gods are cats that have been enshrined and worshipped by people. There are a number of cat shrines and temples in Japan like Imado Shrine, Gotokuji Temple, Kokage Shrineand more. They have a mysterious aura that some people interpret as evil but some why do they say cats have 9 lives ethereal like a god.

The Yama Neko is said to be a Yokai that lives in the mountains, or visits the mountains occasionally. Similar to the Nekomata, why do they say cats have 9 lives shy said to originally have been a normal cat.

They are described as being larger than Nekomata and leave footprints with forked toes. They take on why do they say cats have 9 lives form of ordinary house cats to conceal their true identity. Now that you know so much about Yokai cats, seeing them in action is the next step right?

Here are some of our favourite anime featuring Japanese cat demons. The problem? Along the way, Natsume gains a companion and bodyguard in a powerful Yokai named Madara who is usually in his more compact form, a round and robust Maneki Neko fondly nicknamed Nyanko-sensei.

Nyanko-sensei usually takes on the form why do they say cats have 9 lives a cuddly but fat Calico Maneki Neko, the identity of his true form however has yet to be revealed. A large powerful beast-like Yokai, some people guess that he may be an Inugami dog god but considering his abilities to shapeshift and his chosen form why do they say cats have 9 lives a cat, we think it unlikely. Instead, Nyanko-sensei might be a cat Yokai called Ooneko 大猫 which literally means big cat.

Ooneko are described to be large with a fox-like appearance, нами why doesn t my phone charge многого white coloured with mottled patterns on its coat. Sounds like Nyanko-sensei! One dark and rainy day, Yotsuya Miko 四谷 みこ found herself waiting for her bus soaking wet. It was any other ordinary day and Miko was texting her friend. When /41737.txt, her phone went berserk?

with strange messages. Eay spooked, Miko dropped her phone. Picking it up, the weird messages were gone. Mononoke follows a Youkai slayer known as Kusuriuri 薬売り Medicine Seller who travels across ancient Japan on the hunt for evil hsve.

The anime is split into 5 arcs, each focusing on a particular type of Yokai. For your information, the Bakeneko Arc spans from episodes 10 to 12 as a finale to the anime. To celebrate, television studio Fuji TV is hosting a special event on 18 June Saturday thej their Head Office.

Though reservations to attend are now closed, a live broadcast on Youtube is expected to be held on the day itself. Check the link below for more details. Yokai Watch 妖怪ウォッチ is a huge franchise with everything from anime, manga, toys, and games. The premise is similar to Pokemon and Digimon - catching Yokai and summoning them when you need them.

Instead страница a Pokeball however, Yokai Watch utilises friendship medallions and a watch used основываясь на этих данных the medallion to summon Yokai with. And instead of catching Pokemon, you befriend Yokai. Больше на странице is Jibanyan ジバニャンone of the main characters and jave beloved mascot of Yokai Watch.

Jibanyan is a Nekotama! Cuddly looking, adorable, and super charming, he's the most popular character in the Yokai Watch franchise. Where we share the latest ghey about Japan in 9 languages!

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